17, Rue de la Paix 75002 Paris
Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 8 pm

Preparation for the nationality interview

Preparation for the nationality interview: a 3-hour training course to prepare (Paris and Marseille)

In 2016, French nationality was granted to 89,000 additional people, including 68,000 by decree and 21,000 by marriage. This is an increase of 2.5%.

French law provides that no one can be naturalized if he does not justify his assimilation to the French community, in particular by a sufficient knowledge of French history, culture and society as well as of the rights and duties conferred by the French nationality.

This is why, since a decree adopted in 1993, each candidate for French nationality must appear in person before an agent of the Prefecture responsible for receiving his request. Each candidate for French nationality must therefore pass an individual interview intended to verify that he has the expected knowledge in connection with the History and Culture of the Republic.

This individual interview is therefore the key step in the naturalization process.

To prepare your French naturalization interviews in the best possible conditions, our team specializing in Immigration and nationality procedures in France offers training sessions lasting 3 hours.

Our training courses are organized every week in Paris and Marseille.

How much does it cost ? 384 EUR tax incl.
Limited number of places per session? 10 people for each session
Two training locations are available: Paris & Marseille
Two training sessions per week.
In Paris, every Wednesday morning from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, at 17 rue de la paix, 75002 Paris (Metro: Opéra or Auber)
In Marseille, every Friday morning from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, at 38 rue Grignan, 13001 Marseille (Metro: Prefecture or Vieux Port or Estrangin)
Registrations can only be made by appointment , you can contact us at the following telephone numbers:

The spring 2017 training sessions will start on April 24, 2017. Two sessions per week in Paris and Marseille.